Support us in all nation building efforts and all efforts to support rehabilitation of the cultural and civilisational causes by those who believe in India as a civilisational entity. We believe that wresting the narrative is the first step towards renaissance of our great civilisation, which had suffered a partial eclipse in the past 700 years or so in its long recorded journey of about 27000 years.

We need your support in order to continue to provide first rate content for energising this rebuilding effort. We recognise your passion towards Indiac renaissance, and would therefore urge you to support our effort.

Sanjay Dixit

Founder and Chairman

Direct Bank Transfer:
Bank Name: AXIS Bank
A/C Name: JD Digital Private Limited
A/C No.: 920020063880439
IFSC Code: UTIB0001645
Swift Code: AXISINBB010
Type: Current Account

Number – +91 9829255606
UPI – jaipurdialogues@icici


If you are unable to pay through the methods listed, you can credit our bank account directly using the details provided below. If you are making a direct bank transfer, please mail with your full name, phone number, the contribution amount and the transaction ID so that we can acknowledge and thank you personally for your support.

* Important: to receive confirmation and details of your payment, please enter a valid email address in the pop-up form that appears after you click the ‘Pay Now’ button. We don’t send OTPs to verify your email IDs or phone numbers to keep the process fast and simple, which means that there is risk of a wrong input being recorded without warning.


Direct Bank Transfer:
Bank Name: AXIS Bank
A/C Name: JD Digital Private Limited
A/C No.: 920020063880439
IFSC Code: UTIB0001645
Swift Code: AXISINBB010
Type: Current Account

PayTM & GPay Numbers for Support – +91 9829255606

UPI – jaipurdialogues@icici